Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by GAmom »

Hi! I don't know much about the triangle tilt but my son had an osteotomy in August and is doing great. I would be glad to share any info with you. Feel free to email me. My email address is bigbubba31745@yahoo.com Good Luck in you research!

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

Thanks for the info and messages of support one and all. I've contacted Shriner's in Sacramento, where Dr. Michelle James did a muscle transfer on my son nearly 9 years ago.

Hopefully I'll get an appointment fairly soon and be able to discuss options with her... :)
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

my child had the capsulodesis alone w/dr. nath and the surgery worked perfectly. just wanted to put in my 2cts.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

Just wanted to bump this to say that Dr. Nath's office called my home, and I talked with an assistant there about options for my boy.

Seems like there are even nerve transfer procedures available where a functional nerve is "borrowed" from the unaffected arm and routed to the affected arm to go along with the tilt operation.

Even on adults, it seems... kind of produces a feeling of excitement and dread in me at the same time. I want to feel optimistic without fantasizing, if that makes sense.

I remember 9 years ago I decided against a nerve transfer since the procedure was in its infancy and I didn't want to lose function in that arm. I'll be interested to discover how far the art has progressed by now.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by claudia »

Tony are you talking about the C7 Contratransfer??? I would do a lot of research on that. As far as I understood, it was primarily used on kids who had no functional gain from primary and other surgeries.

Or is there some other nerve borrowing surgery?

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

Interesting... I'm not sure if that's what I'm talking about, it is just one of the options the person in Dr. Nath's office mentioned to me. He said that it involved "borrowing" a nerve from the right arm, and after the procedure, performing a related function with the right arm would cause the left to imitate it involuntarily until the brain "learned" how to distinguish between the two branches of nerve.

My son's got great finger, shoulder and bending at elbow action, just has a limitation that prevents him from bouncing a basketball, and makes him look like that waiter expecting a tip. So with all that function, I'll be very careful to expose him to a procedure that might diminish function in one or both arms.

Tomorrow I shoot video and send it to Dr. Nath to see what he thinks the course of action should be. Thanks for the words of caution...!
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by Marnie »

Tony, are you still out there, just curious what you decided to do if anything. How are things going?
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??


I'm interested if you went ahead with the TT surgery....let us know.....tina