Givn the option which would you choose? Gracilis or Tricep

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Givn the option which would you choose? Gracilis or Tricep

Post by ptrefam »

Last time we were to Mayo the team brought up the idea of either a gracilis transfer or using the tricep. They said that loosing the tricep wouldn't be a big deal if you can't raise the arm above the head. Basically what you would loose would be the ability to push open a door. This would be a much easier surgery, and from what I understood less recovery time. The other option is the gracilis transfer where you would retain the tricep. This being more complicated surgery with more recovery time. Just wanted some feelings from others who have gone through either of these or have had the option. Or just anyone with loss in these areas that has insight as to which they would prefer.

P.S. why do we call it "the arm"? Not his arm? hmmmm just strange as though this thing that no longer works is not part of his body
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

Re: Givn the option which would you choose? Gracilis or Tricep

Post by F-Litz »

Is your son old enough to decide this on his own? If so, then I would make an appointment with a therapist and go through what the loss would be like if he chooses either muscle.

Last week I dislocated my elbow and I was shocked to fell that level of pain in my triceps. That's why I'm responding to your post. There were so many things I couldn't do, it was a real eye opener because Maia also has a dislocated elbow and has very little triceps strength and now I understand a little more of how she feels. It was a huge surprise for me.
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Re: Givn the option which would you choose? Gracilis or Tricep

Post by ptrefam »

Yes, he is old enough. But he asked me, so I thought I could get some input by people that have had it both ways. That way he can make a better informed decision, ultimately it will be him making it. This is fairly new to us so any info good or bad on both would help.
Thanks, Sue
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Re: Givn the option which would you choose? Gracilis or Tricep

Post by TNT1999 »

I like Francine's suggestion about talking to an OT aboutit. I think that losing the ability to push open a door is greatly understating what you'd lose w/o triceps -- even if you can't raise the arm above the head. I would suggest rigging up some way to splint your arm bent to some degree and seeing what function you would really lose if you didn't have triceps. Maybe you and your son could both try the "experiment." From what I've read about the gracilis transfer surgery though, I agree that it sounds pretty complicated and an alternative might not be a bad idea. Also see if he might lose something from the gracilis transfer. I think I remember reading that it might make something like horseback riding difficult to do (??). For my daughter, that would be important b/c she does therapeutic horseback riding and she really enjoys doing that, but it might not be a big loss for another child. I emphasize with you having this difficult decision. Doesn't it stink that you have to choose which loss would be a lesser sacrifice??!! I always pray for lots of wisdom in trying to make these difficult decisions.
