choosing best doctor for surgery

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Gage's Mom
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:20 pm

Re: choosing best doctor for surgery

Post by Gage's Mom »

It is so hard to know what to do! We take our son to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana to see Dr. Alex Mih. He has been doing BPI surgeries for appoximately 18 years now. Our pediatrician found Dr. Mih for us, and a close friend of my brother-in-law did his orthopedic residency with Dr. Mih. He called us after he heard about Gage and said to take him to Dr. Mih. After talking with Alla (my brother-in-law's friend) we went to Dr. Mih. Alla is an orthopedic oncology surgeon at John Hopkins and a family friend, so his suggestion is what helped us make our final decision. Dr. Mih is absolutely wonderful and our son has had made great strides (his injury was C3-C7 with phrenic nerve palsy as well). He would be a good choice to consider. He is very realistic and straight forward in what he does and will do as far as treatment goes. It is a bonus that he is kind and loves children as well, but we chose him because of his experience and expertise. We found him to be a hidden jewel in the BPI world! Hope this helped!
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:02 pm

Re: choosing best doctor for surgery

Post by Marydroz »

I did NOT post the message above that seems to be attributed to me.

I would like very much for someone to ubpn to contact me and let me know HOW can someone else post under my name?

For the record, my child did not have surgery with Dr. Nath.

What is going on here?
Posts: 1806
Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2001 10:09 pm

Re: choosing best doctor for surgery

Post by njbirk »


I tried to contact you but your email bounced back to me.
Email me ( and we will take care of this. I have not known of this happening before. We will delete the post in question.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President