stellate ganglion block

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stellate ganglion block

Post by aerostar6 »

I have been diagnosed with Reflexive-sympathetic dytrophy, thoracic outlet syndrome, brachial plexus injury, and chromnic regional pain syndrome. The doctors dont know which one I actually have. A pain management doctor recently recommended that I have a stellate ganglion block. It's a nerve block, big needle into the neck. I dont know alot about the procedure. Has anyone had this procedure? Does anyone know the risks involved? Has anyone had success with this procedure?
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Re: stellate ganglion block

Post by stx431 »

Hello, With all of those potential problems I would hope your doctors could come to a conclusion on which it is or the combination of which. Good luck whenever that happens. Hopefully it's a fixable one. Is one of the doctors you've seen a traumatic brachial plexus injury doctor/surgeon. If not I'd highly suggest you see one. There are many doctors suggested in these threads all around the world.

My wife Carrie had two stellate ganglion blocks done a few weeks apart and didn't feel any pain relief what so ever. She has avulsions at C5-T1. If your injury doesn't involve avulsions, maybe a nerve block could work. Those disconnected nerves mess everything up. Hope your doctors figure your injury out for you soon. If not, keep looking. There are brilliant, experienced doctors out there, but it could take some creative searching to locate them. This site has some very valuable resources available.

C-ya, Dick
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Re: stellate ganglion block

Post by deidredeeh »

I just googled my injury which is brachial plexus injury and it was caused by a stellate ganglion block with radiofrequency I'm not sure if it was the dr who performed the procedure or not but I would try another option since I have been in severe pain and cannot care for myself or my children anymore. I also have atypical facial pain which he was trying to correct.
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Re: stellate ganglion block

Post by chriscnaz »

So sorry to hear about your bad experience.

My husband has BPI due to a 35 ft fall from a cell phone tower ( or fell due to the BPI not sure which came first)

The pain mgmt specialist did do a stellate ganglion block with no negative side effects but no pain relief either. His pain is best managed at this point with a combination of Lyrica and Cymbalta. Since the meds were able to bring the pain to much more manageable level we didn't try any additional blocks.

I do know the PM specialist had another type of block that he was going to try if the meds didn't work. I'm not sure of the official name but the stellate ganglion block is suppose work on the sympathetic nerves in that area and the other one was BP specific.

Sorry I'm not more help.