BPI lawsuits??

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: BPI lawsuits??

Post by cadinc »

Dear Michelle,
That's why we pursued litigation, for the doctor to stop and for our daughter to have some funds for future surgery and therapy. We are in California and settled out of court with $250,00 with cap with Carl McMahan. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
Site Admin
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Re: BPI lawsuits??

Post by admin »

We won and it was a jury trial. It was about 13 yrs. ago, Oakland County, Michigan. It was a long time ago, but you are welcome to e-mail me directly.
Laura Barnes
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Re: BPI lawsuits??

Post by Laura Barnes »

We are in NM and have be going through the legal mumble junble for about 6 years now. The end was approching soon but now with another surgery coming all has been postponed.
But all and all the more I read and talked to different doctors and then looked back at my delivery.
I was induced because the bio-physical profile show signs of concern (I was 2 1/2 weeks overdue). I was in labor for 36 hours, I keep asking for a C-Section but the doctor wouldn't even come see me to discuss it. When the doctor finally said I could push alyssa was stuck, she used her hands to strech me but ended up having to use mild force as her notes say to pull alyssa out. Her shoulder was stuck. She was born with the biggest cone head I have ever seen (even to this day). But thats not what made me wanna sue.

After the delivery the doctor told me she thought she broke the clavical during the delivery. After the x rays we knew that wasn't the problem. The doctor went to her office and came back about 6 hours later with literture off the internet and said I think this is what she has (showing me a picture of erbs and a define.) I said ok and would deal.
At alyssas one week check up her arm had not gotten any better so I asked for an appt to se a specialist, the doctor told me she would not refer me till the 6-7 week period of possible recovery had passed. I had to make the appt myself and was very upset. Thats when I decided to sue. She (the doctor) wouldn't even help me, after seeing the specialist I had to switch doctors because she wouldn't even refer alyssa for theraphy.

Each case is different and each person has to make there own decision. And no everyone don't win or lose.


Message was edited by: Laura Barnes
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Re: BPI lawsuits??

Post by katep »


Are you talking about your OB/GYN or the pediatrician? Usually, OB/GYNs are not involved with follow-ups on the child, just the mom. A pediatrician takes over care of the child after birth, and they would be the one to refer her to a specialist/therapy/etc.

I'd love to see OB/GYNs more informed on how to avoid BPI and some of the basics of the injury. But I would never expect one to be an expert on care or treatment.

Laura Barnes
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:43 pm

Re: BPI lawsuits??

Post by Laura Barnes »


I live in a small town where your doctor is your doctor. But, the doctor in question was a OB/GYN, prior to coming to this town and assuming the role of an all in one doctor.
