Hey Kath !!!

This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).

Hey Kath !!!

Post by George »

WOW !! just saw on the tube where you guys are getting blasted with a major heatwave, and in mid-April to boot. I promise Kath......it wasn't me. I've got my theories though--either T-baby or Joy has snuck up to the northeast and are planting things again. Better watch out for them two............

Oh well....get you one of those cool looking hats with the little fan thingy on it. And don't forget the sun screen :o)

stay cool,
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 9:57 am

Re: Hey George !!!

Post by TINA-T »


Twasn't me!! We're setting our own heatwave records......thank you very much :) And after having everything closed up and bundled up all long winter I'm not even gonna complain (yet haha). My weeping cheery tree out front is all abloom with wonderful beautiful tiny white flowers and I'm just lovin it !!!!

Now bring on those roadside stands where the farmers sell all their luscious bounty !!!!!!

p.s. VERY GOOD to hear from you George :) hope all you and the lil uns are doing well :)
Joy in FL
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Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by Joy in FL »

I am just trying to share the sun with my friends in the north. After all they are so nice to share their cold with us here in the south!

You know George you promised you would not rat me out! Thanks for making me laugh! :op~
Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991
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Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm

Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by Kathleen »

Hey Guys

I was wondering who sent that HEAT to us.....

YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take it back...... everything is in bloom at once.... we are on water restrictions...... and where I live we usually can't put out the flowers till after memorial because of frost danger.....

Used Waterbabies 45 - went for a walk.... GOT SUNBURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So who did it???????????????????????????

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Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by njbirk »

Please take it back. It's too hot here in Ohio. My daffodils bloomed one day and died the next. And this heat is not good for my bpi ... Guess it is because of that lack of sweating thing when the sympathetic nerve system is also damaged with an injury to T1. Anybody else have trouble with not sweating on the bpi arm and face?

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Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by Kathleen »

Nancy - of course.... no sweat on the right arm face...... really its my cheek that stays very dry...
I have to shower put on the 45 long sleeves and go out.... but to hot!!!

George are you sure you did not send the heat here...

Joy or Judy..... I took my old folks back...they left Fla. and are here in the North.... now can we have our cooler weather....???? LOL....
Or I'll send them back....


Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by George »

Don't send them back yet Kath........the heat made it down here very quickly. Nope, wasn't me who sent it. I try to keep the weather nice for everybody........not doing too good of a job it seems. It'll probably snow down here soon. (forget that last statement)

No sweating here either Nancy. My arm doesn't even peel after a good frying. I can't even tell when the mosquitos are feasting until I see what looks like chicken pox the next day. Gotta laugh though......little suckers didn't get much LOL !!!!!

T-baby......bless your heart.....the blackberries will be in the thickets soon, and you know what THAT means !!

And Joy....um.....um......oooops.
Posts: 90
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Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by TINA-T »

OK guys...............who took it ALL BACK !!! ???

I didn't need 90...............but I didn't need this either?? Something in the middle would have been nice :(

Today I awoke to SNOW...........EVERYWHERE!!! Not feet mind you...just enough to cover everything in white...........uggggggggggg we just can't win can we hahaha

And yes George.........I know about those "thickets" first hand............ :) :) We still say it's the best he's ever had !!
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Re: Hey Kath !!!

Post by Kathleen »

I see it worked..... we keep the old people and you take the heat.....

But did you have to freeze us again!!!! my fingers don't work when its this cold.......

I want a nice warm spring day.... birds singing.... flowers..... light rain..... not freezing with hail........

We need the rain here!!! drought is not good... for flowers.... or me!!!!.....

What is the secret code on Blackberries...did I miss something???