worst question asked during depos?

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worst question asked during depos?

Post by mlynn »

our lawsuit is coming to the depo stage and i have been reading up on past depo advise. most have said that the defense has asked personal intimate embarasing questions. so will anyone who has had to go through a depo write me the worst question asked so i can get a feel for what i am in for. i am extremely emotional and cry esaily so i am trying to prepare now. thanks to anyone who can help!
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by admin »

The very first question they asked me was how much I currently weigh. How much I weighed before i was pregnant and how much I weighed while I was pregnant.
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by Kimberly »

Get ready. They will try to bring up your past, way past, high school stuff. It is like they are trying to find some little thing that you did that could have caused this injury. Past sexual relationships, any drugs/alcohol you might have done 20 years ago. It was totally ridiculous. I could not believe some of the questions that they asked. Just don't take it personal and it is OK to cry. I did a little, but I was so mad it was hard to even cry. I broke down after it was over. Hope this helps you some way.
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by m&mmom »

I have to say that our depos went well, the doctor's attorney and the hospital's attorney were both very respectful. The hospital's attorney asked how our life changed since his birth and I almost lost it. She asked if I needed water and a break and I said no, regrouped and continued with my answer. The doctor's attorney got up and gave me a box of tissues. Hopefully your experience will be as positive as ours was.

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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by brandonsmom »

I think the worst questions that they asked were the ones about prior relationships. PRior mental health care etc. They tried to did up things that happened when I was 17, my attorney didn't let them. These people were crazy. And at one point I looked at them and said, "let me know when you get to the important questions, and I will wake up, none of this matters" five mintutes later we were done. Our lawyer was at the depo(AT LEAST MINE SHE WAS) my hubby was on his own.....GAYLE
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by admin »

Believe it or not, I did not get asked anything embarrassing or intrusive in 5-6 hours of questioning. It was all pretty straightforward stuff.
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by admin »

The Doctor came to mine. Don't be afraid. Just answer everything honestly and if you have a question let your attorney know and he/she will help you. You can ask for a break if you need to go get some water and collect yourself.

We won at jury trial. Remember that things can work out. Sorry that I show as guest, it has been a long time since I've visited the board and I can't remember my user name info.

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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by claudia »

jean gave you some great advice. definately ask for as many breaks as you need. and look to your attorney for help when you need it.

for us the worst were the questions about getting pregnant. we had had trouble doing so, and he just could not get off the subject. finally i looked at him and said "what difference does it make HOW I got pregnant? I did. Would it make you feel better if I said I stood on my head and ate pickles???" He did not appreciate that, so my attorney told me to ask for a break, which I did. He then took the guy outside the room and told him that if he didn't change the line of questioning that my attorney would call his boss (whom my attorney plays golf with) and let him sort it out. that was it for the pregnancy questions.

More interesting to me is WHAT they decide to focus on. There were questions that I would have asked, but they didn't seem interested in. Be truthful. Really important. If you are truthful, then they can't "catch you" on anything. If you don't remember something, that is okay. Remember two important things: 1. you had just had a baby and 2. you didn't go into the delivery expecting to have to sue your doctor, so you didn't watch every little detail and take notes.

good luck.

btw, we settled out of court.

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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by juliasmom »

The worst question asked for me was when they asked what are the differences in her good arm vs. bad arm. That is the only thing I don't like talking about when it comes to Julia's injury and they asked about it. It ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. That was the worst question asked.
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Re: worst question asked during depos?

Post by mlynn »

I posted this and i thank you all for it. i have another question, why does everyone say make sure to tell the truth, what would they ask that would make you lie? i cannot think of what that may be? i have never been in trouble and have had a pretty normal life until the day my son was born. i am not even afraid or ashamed of my weight. i am emotional but, any more than anyone else? but i am really wondering about these questions that would make people lie?