what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

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what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by mlynn »

my son has a right arm bpi. in therapy we work on putting on shirt and taking it off. the way they are teaching seems harder than the way i have come up with. i showed them my way. i am wondering if anyone can help?
their way is to roll the shirt and hold the shirt w/ both hands and put one arm in at a time.
my way is to put both arms in at same time and stick hands up in air then use good arm to pull over head.
I really do not care what he looks like putting his clothes on i just want the easiest for him. not what is the correct way but the fastest most comfortable for him.
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by admin »

You're right! Whatever makes it easier for the child. My daughter too has the ROBPI, she uses her good arm to pull the shirt over her head, she puts the good arm through, then uses the good arm to pull the injured arm through the sleeve. She actually came up with this herself. I was when I first saw this! Of course, me wanting to help, she insist she do it herself! By the way, my daughter's name is Trinity. Currently, my clothing issue is snaps and buttons! I buy mostly clothes with elastic, so that it's easier for her. However, not many choices. (Jogging pants) primarily. Any suggestions? Thanks, Val
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by Joanie »

Mlynn, how old is your son? Can he tell you which way is easiest for him? Let him guide you.

Joanie, 57 years old, LOBPI
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In easter seals In 1951, The aswer was The child need to find the best way

Post by admin »

I promise your child will find out to compensate in life. I am a Master Diver and I drove semi for years, All with a left erbs from birth. Determination is a wonder full thing to have.Tom
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by GAmom »


My son is 3 and he too puts his arms in first and then used the good arm to pull it on his head. I let him decided which way he could do it. I am like you though when it comes to accomplishing it doesn't matter what that looks like. He will get it in due time, don't worry. Oh by the way my son is ROBPI too. Good Luck, keep practicing.

Ashley, mom to Brayden 3yrs ROBPI
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by natsmom »

My daughter is ROBPI and we have used "righty, lefty, over the head". It has really worked well for Natalie as she has limited shoulder movement. It also encourages use of both arms to pull her shirt over her head as we have her hold onto the neckline of the shirt with both hands.

Hope this helps!

mom to Natalie, 3
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by brandonsmom »

My son is ROBPI and actually does righty, lefty over head. I think for him it is easier to bend the left arm in a weird way than the right !!! Gayle
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Re: what is easiest way to teach putting on shirt?

Post by claudia »

Juliana is LOBPI. She puts her shirt onto her left arm, then puts her right arm thru, lifts her right arm up (which brings the left up too) and sticks her head thru the opening. Then she puts her arms down and the shirt comes down over her head. If the opening isn't large enough, she will use her right hand to pull the shirt down over her head.

He will, however, find the way that works for him. Tell the ot to let him use trial and error. I lined up my three bigger kids and watched them take their shirts on and off--and we tried some of their methods (interestingly, they all do it differently!!!).

Oh, and to get it off, she uses her right arm behind her head and pulls the shirt over her head.

good luck,