St. Louis Doctors and Therapists

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:56 pm

Re: St. Louis Doctors and Therapists

Post by Chloesmom »

I also went to Dr.Park for my daughter and had a terrible experiance. I sat in the room waiting with my daughter for 1 1/2 hours finally someone came in and told me I was forgotten about even after I had asked 2 times if I was too be seen soon. Dr. Park came in and stated everything was better and thank you for my time. This was the appointment I was supposed to find out if Chloe would need primary. I had waiting for months in anticipation. He very non-chalantly said "she doesn't need therapy" and left. I don't think stating an honest account of an experiance is trashing. I hope to save the other parents the same treatment.