Hi all,
My 4yr old daughter has a rbpi. I have been doing ROM exercises since birth. Recently her arm was diagnosed as having lost 12 degrees of straightening ability (both passive and active).
To combat this, she is wearing a thermoplastic splint at night and we are doing more extensive stretches. I had always performed her ROM with her lying down (on floor etc) and didn't realise that to get a full biceps stretch you have to not only turn her arm over but also strentch it down past her body. She now lays on the side of the lounge and I stretch her arm towards the floor.
The problem is that this causes pain in her neck/shoulder where her injured nerves would be.Can anyone else report a similar thing? The physio is following it up for me and the O/T has said it may be a nerve stretch and this might be needed. I am scared of causing more damage. Please help!
As far as straightening her arm goes, it is working wonders. Passively there is now no loss and actively she has 6 degrees to go.
Thank you in advance for your responses.