If you live in Texas

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:59 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

If you live in Texas

Post by JessicasMom »

or know a lot about the area. Where do you live, have you always lived there, and how do you like it?

My husband may have an offer to relocate to Texas - either Houston area or Austin. I'm very interested since home prices are much more reasonable there (than NJ) and I have yet to find someone that lives there and doesn't like it.

I'm trying to get as much info. about the area and feedback as I can. My Jessica is almost completely recovered from her BPI, so this is completely unrelated to doctors in the area.

If you prefer, you can email me, shellie1@patmedia.net

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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by brandonsmom »

We have lived in Texas, we went there to recieve medical services for my child at TCH. I am an Illinois Native, my husband is a California Native and I did not like it, however, to be close the TCH was worth it. (My son had Mod While we were there and it was great to be close to the answers that I had. He also recieved OT and PT at tCH)I would do it again for my child.......however, it was too hot for me. The area was okay and housing prices were cheap. We spent alot of time at six flags houston at the water park. We lived in HOUSTON, itself and I was not too impressed, but I am from a different part of the climate and so was my hubby. Check out the schools there....that is all I will say, as not to offend anyone here. Gayle mom of Brandon ROPBI
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by jennyinsandiego »

We moved from San Diego a year ago and LOVE it here.BIG CHANGE! We are in west Texas. Of course there are things we miss (the beach, the mountains, the culture) but they are small compared to the gains. We paid cash for our house on 9 acres being one of the biggies. People are SO nice and everyone goes to church. The kids all say "yes, mam." and you can actually have a conversation with a teenager. The pace is much slower and there isn't as great a need to "keep up." We homeschool 6 of our 7 kids so I can't speak too much to the school disticts. But the one in school loves it and is carrying a 3.9gpa. I don't get ridiculed for driving my gas guzzling e350. It is hot, but I love the heat here, it is (in west tx) a dry heat. And nobody does a thunderstorm like they do it here. People think we are crazy for leaving the coast, but I'd do it again. If you have any questions, let me know, I have BIL in Houston, too.
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by Jake'smom »

I'm a Texan, born and raised. I have always lived in the Houston area. I LOVE it! But I've also never lived anywhere else. There are some major advantages to living in TX. One of which is home prices! My house is in a nice area northwest of Houston. It's 2000 square feet and cost 130,000. There are parts of Houston that are very popular right and close to town where prices are much higher, but if you don't mind living in the suburbs you can get a brand new house starting from the 120s. There are tons of new developments in the area and great neighborhoods that offer all kinds of ammenities. Weather is fabulous in the winter, but we do get VERY hot in the summer and there is the hurricane thing to consider. Austin doesn't usually have to worry about that. Austin is also very nice. Beautiful landscape out there...very hilly. Whereas Houston is FLAT. Austin is a growing area! Houston also has some of the best medical professionals in the world. As you probably know people come from all over the country and world to our medical center for treatment. This is advantage for BPI but for all kinds of medical problems that hopefully you would never have to deal with, but if you did you'd be in the right place.
Let me know if you guys decide on Houston...and I will let you know about school districts. I'm a teacher so I know a lot of the different school districts in the area and which ones are good. You definately want to stay away from Houston ISD. Another good reason for the suburbs! I can also give you an insider's opinion of different areas in Houston. Let me know if you have any questions!
Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:59 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

Re: If you live in Texas

Post by JessicasMom »

We definitely want to live in the suburbs, we are NOT city people! Our house in NJ would sell for about $625,000 and it would be great to buy a house with our equity (after moving expenses at least $250,000). A top rated school district would be one of our #1 priorities so I'd love to know as much as possible about that! You can email me at shellie1@patmedia.net

I really appreciate the responses and all the feedback I can get!
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by SandiR »

Hi I live 30 mins south of Houston, on the bay. I love it here, I grew up here and our kids all go to a wonderful school district. ccisd.net I do have a few things for you to think about down here though......1. Hurricanes 2. this area is growing soooooo fast! I can't believe my eyes and I think I am getting a little worried about how the area is exploding in population. I mean the traffic is horrible...agh! But it is great to live on the water. I have a website for you to check out....HAR.com It is the Houston Real Estate Website.....very cool, you can check out the stats on all the area school districts so that you can make up your mind based on the #'s. Suburbs definatly!!! I have a step son who lives up in the Cypress Area off 290, he loves it!!! If you need any more info, Email me.....Sandi PS Mom who homeschools......are you going to the convention in Houston next week?????
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by admin »

Okay Jakes mom as long as you said I I will tell you about Houston ISD. They are so far behind it is ridicoulous. My daughter was in third grade and she was bring home coloring sheets. My son was in 6th grade and they were just learning multiplication. IT WAS A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. MEDICAL CARE WAS WORTH IT THOUGH....but HOUSTON ISD Leaves alot to be desired !
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by Mandie »

Are you living in a small town now? We live a small town and I get overwhelmed from a weekend visit, from all the driving and traffic. Houston is a wonderful place, so much to do! Worth the traffic and hostile drivers!
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Re: If you live in Texas

Post by AngieD »

I live in Leander which is right outside of Austin (north). I have always lived in Texas, I grew up in a very small town so I enjoy being close to Austin. Since, I live outside of it I don't actually have to go into the downtown part that often but I am about a 30 min. drive if needed. Let me know if you do move to this area I can let you know about the school districts or any other questions you have.


Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:59 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

Re: If you live in Texas

Post by JessicasMom »

Sandi, thanks for the website! Shari thanks for the school info. you emailed me! To everyone that responded, thank you. I appreciate all the feedback and info.

Right now we live in a big suburban town, high cost of living and property taxes, tons of traffic for my husband to drive into NYC where he works. The commute to NY is terrible - at least 2 hours each way with unbelievable traffic. Anything would be an improvement!

For now, we're going to go for a vacation and check it out. I've heard good things about Spring, Katy, the Woodlands and the Austin area.

Thanks again!