
This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).
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Posts: 315
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 1:06 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: C-5 and C-6. Unable to supinate. Contracture elbow. Wrist bone underdeveloped.
Can raise forearm to mouth level. shoulder is limited in movement. Unable to put arm behind back. Secondary- early arthritis, carpal tunnel, pronator syndrome,scoliosis
Location: Ohio


Post by patpxc »

How would we go about researching and having a conference for adult OBPI. There has to be a lot of us who are having overuse problems now that we're older. Having the board is great but actually sitting down-brainstorming, reaching folks who haven't a clue what overuse is, having a BPI specialist evaluate our arms--somehow a sh--load of peole are slipping through the cracks. How about a psychologist to discuss coping skills for having to go on disability or putting up with rude people all of our lives. How about vocational counselors if some of us want to go back to school or work???
We could have a 50 pound carved chocolate centerpiece in the shape of a winged scapula Any ideas???? Pat
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Re: Conference

Post by Kathleen »

With or without the carved "wing" that sounds like a great idea!...

Now we need to see how many people would come.
How to really do it.
If any doctor would truly be interested in us.
And a central location or funding for transportation.
Hotel that would be like a conference center.
Maybe one would appreciate the chance to underwrite this project for people with disabilities...and we do have some.

Would the younger adult population join in this?
When I was young I thought nothing would even happen to the GOOD arm and my Erb's arm was find just worked differently... now I know better.

Pat I really think this would be great to brainstorm.
To promote a long range study -
The results of a long range study would probably a course of treatment and OT to prevent the secondary injuries we have and also the severe OVERUSE...

Any other suggestions????? Please shy posters jump in!!!! We need all the great minds we can get on this one....

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Re: Conference

Post by francine »

Pat - I think your idea is a great one...and until you actually do a conference I'd like to open up my chatroom for you guys.

I have a chatroom on my site that is only used right now on Wednesday nights for OBPI chat. In that chat is usually moms/dads of kids who are injured.... but you guys can have your own chat whenever you want.

Pick a time - pick a day - pick a moderator and that's all you need. You can even have speakers come in and chat with you....there's a special format within the software for question and answer type of forum. If you find a therapist willing to work with you, it can even become a group session. It has many possibilities.

I hope you guys take advantage of this offer. The chatroom is very easy to use- it's almost a no brainer.

let me know what you think :)

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Re: Conference

Post by Kathleen »


Thank you so much. I have been to the Wed night but one for Adult obpi would be great...

I hope we can arrange something and take advantage of this very kind offer.

I like the chat room you offer because it has a sign in and does not allow for people who are just floating around cyberspace to intrude or be rude....

How about it can we start with this????

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Posts: 315
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 1:06 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: C-5 and C-6. Unable to supinate. Contracture elbow. Wrist bone underdeveloped.
Can raise forearm to mouth level. shoulder is limited in movement. Unable to put arm behind back. Secondary- early arthritis, carpal tunnel, pronator syndrome,scoliosis
Location: Ohio

Re: Conference

Post by patpxc »

Sounds great--all you need to do is explain how to get started in the chatroom and how to make sure everyone knows how to use it-how to get in etc, Maybe Kath or I can take turns moderating. What's involved????
I know a couple of psychologists- I used to work for a company that provided psych software-they might have some ideas-- I also know a good rhematologistnot sure about an OBPI- Nath is pretty busy with kids
I guess what we need is a plan-like a business plan-- a location-once we get that I can talk with some of the folks at conference centers- I've worked a lot with Holiday Inn-- there are a lot who want to use the tax write off. How about the arthritis association ,and a psychologist for starters to speak.
Things like roundtable discussions.
As far as young adults--what do you guys think-- my only thought is that this needs to be for adults and OBPI-specifically directed at our unique problems-- and I know the kids and TBPI are just as important-- but this would be for us.
Sponsors-- I'm willing to do a lot of leg work-I'm not afraid to talk and beg-- but I need help getting started. Keep the ideas coming. This could really be a lot of fun!!! Pat
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Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm

Re: Conference

Post by Kathleen »

Lets go Pat

I sent an e-mail... just now to all the OBPI on the list of posts to see if they are interested in coming to the board and talking about some sort of a conference for Adult/obpi and chat thanks to francine's office... and yes I will help to moderate too...
Francine taught me how to float the screen...LOL..
inside joke sorry...
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Re: Conference

Post by Bridget »

Pat and all,

This sounds like something that UBPN could do. We have planned on hosting a conference and intend on doing so. If you feel there is enough interest for a track of lectures/activities on this particular subject I am sure we can include it. Will you please email to discuss your ideas further? (I'm not suggesting to discontinue brainstorming, etc. but just want to put you in touch right away with someone who can help you make this a reality.)

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Re: Conference

Post by Stephanie »

I have never even been it a chat room on it like the "kids" on instant messenger? I know the concept but never did it.
If it's at a time that's after work but before my eyes give out, I'd love to join an OBPI chat!

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Re: Conference

Post by francine »

Stephanie - it is like kids on Instant Messenger...however there's a whole bunch of us talking at once. You type in a line and it shows up on the screen, then what ther next person types in shows up.

Go here and try it out and you will understand:

bTW - you can make the type really BIG and the color of the print easier on your you'll have no excuse when your eyes tire out!! :)

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Re: Conference

Post by Sharon »

My grand daughter sits in chat rooms all the time. I've never. It will have to be easy but I'm willing to try almost anything once. Conferences might be hard for me to get to. Esp overnight ones. Funds, dog, etc. Let me know if and when we will use a chat room Sharon