a sweet story

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a sweet story

Post by momof2gr8kids »

Rianna says her mum Aliye is clearly the best
By Kim Theobald

Mum's the word: Aliye and Rianna Beaton

Aliye Beaton was overcome with emotion when her daughter Rianna told her that she had nominated her for the Parent of the Year award.

The proud mum-of-two from Shirley said: "I am dead proud of my son Oliver and Rianna.

"Children grow up so quickly and won't always want to spend time with me so I am making the most of the time I have with them."

Aliye, 37, has erbs palsy, also known as brachial plexus paralysis, and her right arm was damaged at birth.

Nerve damage meant her arm was left completely paralysed.

Aliye has been married 17 years and the couple's children Oliver, eight, and Rianna, 10, attend Oak Lodge Primary School.

She has been a civil servant for eight years and works at a job centre as a disability employment adviser, helping disabled people re-train and find jobs.

Both Rianna and Oliver have out of school interests and Rianna is an accomplished swimmer and member of Beckenham Swimming Club. She trains four times a week and regularly attends Sunday galas.

Oliver also swims once a week and is a keen golfer, playing at Selsdon Park Golf Club every Saturday afternoon since he was seven.

Aliye says: "When Oliver was six he asked if he could learn to play golf, I thought he was too young and said when he was older he could learn.

"Then when he was seven he asked again and I started taking him, he can't compete until he is 11.

"On Saturdays Rianna's swimming training runs from 7am to 8am.

"After that I do my housework as that is the only time I have to do it.

"At 11am Oliver goes swimming, after that we come home for lunch and then Oliver plays golf in the afternoon.

"We get home around 3.30pm when the children's god-mother visits for a couple of hours."

The children also attend piano lessons and art clubs and Aliye admits that with Tuesday evening being her only free evening she is left exhausted but wouldn't have it any other way.

She says: "I had an operation on my good arm in October so I walked the children to swimming and golf, I couldn't take the bus as I couldn't hold on and I couldn't drive.

"It is great that the kids have interests and it also keeps me fit."

Rianna wrote on her mum's nomination form: "Despite the fact that she has a disability she still works every day helping disabled people get jobs and takes me swimming four times a week.

"She also takes me to swimming galas, piano lessons and art club.

"My mum also takes my brother to lots of lessons as well.

"Amazingly she still finds time to take me out shopping and do all the housework and gardening. My mum's the best!"

If you would like more information on erbs palsy contact the Erb's Palsy Group on 02476 413293 or visit www.erbspalsygroup.co.uk.

3:00pm Wednesday 1st March 2006

http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/displa ... e_best.php
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Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:03 am

Re: a sweet story

Post by Joanie »

What a wonderful story. Clearly Aliye's motto is "I am woman. I can do anything," or something akin to that.

Kudos also go to Aliye's parents. I'm sure they had a lot to do with her "can do" attitude.
