signifficant results after surgery

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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signifficant results after surgery

Post by Jason »

i think it would be nice if everyone that has had good results from surgery would post them here. please explain the surgery you had and how you are doing so far. just a little somthing to give us newly operated on some hope.

thanks everyone
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by lizzyb »

Depends on what you define as 'good results.' I had very good results from my surgery 13 years ago; intercostal nerve grafts to median nerve; which gave me elbow bending function, and later on, sensation to the palm, first finger and thumb (this sensation was to reduce pain, and also warn me if I was injured in these areas)

The surgery did exactly what it was supposed to do, apart from maybe a small failure in providing good strong sensation to the hand, but to all intents and purposes, the results (elbow bending) are of no real practical use to me.

Don't get me wrong, I was and still am grateful that the surgeon did all he could, which wasn't much in those days for all 5 avulsed, but I am now seriously thinking about amputation.

To really get a full picture about other peoples surgical results, I think it would be good if they posted what the original injury was too, for a full comparison.

Lizzy F
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by Jason »

thanks lizzyb

i also should have asked what the original injury was, guess i assumed they would put that. sorry i should have been more clear. thought this would be somthing people could compair their injury and surgery too, so they could get some idea of what they might get from surgery.
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by STravis »

(1.) September 21, 2001 – Injury sustained from motorcycle accident - right TBPI with avulsions at C5, 6, 7, 8 and T1.

(2.) December 2001 - Exploratory surgery including nerve graft to restore elbow flexion. This was a successful surgery in that it provided function to my biceps and allowed elbow flexion. However, it is really of no practical use.

(3.) April 2002 - Arthodesis surgery to fuse my shoulder. This too was a successful surgery in that it eliminated the need for a sling. However, complete elimination in range of motion at the shoulder as well as pain associated with plates and screws are both slight issues.

(4.) November 2004 - DREZ (Dorsal Root Entry Zone) procedure to reduce pain. This one allowed me to completely stop taking pain medicine. I still have a constant dull pain and at times there are shooting pains that are rather intense but overall the pain is 98% better than it was prior. Eliminated 3600mg / day Neurontin, 120mg / day Methadone, plus about 600 mg / day of Percoset. It took me until August 2005 to completely stop taking everything.

(5.) Now I am seriously considering amputation to eliminate the dead weight and remove the stress from my back and neck.
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by peter »

Jason, just take into account why you came to this website. You have a problem with bpi. Many ppl that get surgery and feel their bpi is no longer a problem stop coming here. I just had surgery(nerve transfers) and still too early to see results. But I did make a promise that I'll not stop visiting regardless of my final results. btw c5, c6 avulsed
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by EllenB »

My teenage son John had all five avulsed on 11/19/02 when he was hit by a car while cycling. He had two major surgeries in Feb & Apr '03 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN for:
- elbow bending & wrist extension
- finger flexion
- bicep
- tricep
- deltoid
- sensation to the thumb side of the hand

All surgeries have been successful - it took about six months after each surgery for the initial movement to be evident, and almost two years for the deltoid & tricep to innervate since those transferred nerves had longer to grow out.

John does use his arm in a functional sense, the grip in his hand less so. He is now completely out of pain & off all pain meds. (We know that's not always the case & realize how fortunate he is.)

Hope this provides encouragement!! ... floyd.html


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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by EllenB »

Forgot to mention - I believe Mayo now combines these two surgeries into one. Transferred nerve/muscles for John:
- gracilis muscles/tendons from legs
- sural nerves from legs
- spinal accessory
- intercostals (motor & sensory)
- phrenic
- contralateral C7

All donor sites are fine.

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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by Jason »


Glad to see your son is having good results. Sound's like he is a great young man.


maybe we can start somthing new, we could all post here and tell everyone how we are doing. after six month's a year weather we have gained any function that helps us or not if we had pain before surgery, do we still have pain. it could be a thread that everyone goes too and tell's everyone of their improvements. newly injured could look here to see what kind of improvements others are getting. in six months i will post if i have had any improvements or not then again in a year. i think it would be great if this thread stayed around like the 'roll call' one. if others don't think this sound's like a good idea then it will soon fall so far down the list nobody will find it until i post in six month's.
Chris' Mom
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by Chris' Mom »

Just wanted to add that Chris had the same surgery almost three weeks ago that John had, which was in one surgery instead of two. He will get a new cast Monday and come out of the immobilizer. He'll wear the new cast for three more weeks with his arm in a sling. When that cast comes off, he starts physical therapy and stimulation to the muscles and nerves. His need for pain medication has already been greatly reduced as he skips doses and doesn't even notice. We are very excited that Chris will finally be able to put his arm down as it was heavy also and really hurt his shoulder if it fell. He will only have to wear the sling a total of 12 weeks and then he should be able to lower his arm. I am praying for everyone here...a critical part of all healing and knowledge. Hang in there everyone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Technology and medicine have come a long way in the last three or four years in this type of injury. And the research is still continuing today as doctors still don't know all they want to know about spinal cord and nerve injuries. There is more to come and it will just keep getting better. Chris had a little complication with an infection after surgery, but that can happen with any surgery. He is fine now and feeling just great. I can't wait until he says "Look Mom! I can move my arm!!" God is good. Be patient and pray because He is listening.
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Re: signifficant results after surgery

Post by oscar02 »

What surgeon did your son go to and what advice can you give me on what to tell the doctor who says its not possible to do that sort of operation. Now that I have read a few posts about the operation, I am starting to have some doubts about the choice of my neurosurgeon.