Teething and BPI arm

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
tina arvizu
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Teething and BPI arm

Post by tina arvizu »

Gabrielle is getting her two year molars. I know this because when I got her up from her nap today she was covered in blood. She chewed her thumb so much it looked like it was put in the garbage disposal. She also had two deep bite marks on her arm. I fear infection has set in. I cleaned it and wrapped it with gause and taped a sock to her PJ's. Has anyone had this problem and did infection set in. God all I can think is after all she has been through to lose a finger to infection. I am taking her to the doctor tomorrow. Any good ideas? Doctors give us medicine but I seem to get my best advise here. Also do they ever get feeling back in their arms? She seems to know when I am touching her. How she can do that and not feel it I can't imagine.
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Re: Teething and BPI arm

Post by francine »


I've seen it mentioned on here that people use socks and gloves and in really bad cases they splint the arm into extension so that it can't be brought up to the mouth.

How about some hydrogen peroxide to clean it up and then some neosporin? Glad you are going to the doc tomorrow.

Has anyone tested her lately to see if she has feeling or not? I remember when maia got some feeling - I believe she was older, probably Gabrielle's age or somewhere in that range - we were in the bathtub and the water drove her crazy...it took a week or so to have her relax enough to take a bath.

Good luck- sorry to hear about this new stuff.
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Re: Teething and BPI arm

Post by TNT1999 »

Hi, Tina. I'm sorry you had to go through such an experience. It must be frightening. I know this has been discussed here, so hopefully others will give suggestions. You might try looking back at some older pages. It's much easier to find things on the board now. There's also a search option, although it doesn't seem to work for me lately. I wanted to add too that the fact that she's biting her hand could indicate that there is some sensation going on there, though obviously not complete. Also, if she seems to feel it when you touch her arm, it could mean that she has sensation there, but not in her hand. Nicole's return of sensation has seemed to slowly work it's way down the arm. Even now (she's 3 y.o.) she seems to have some sensation in most if not all of her arm / hand, but it is definitely very limited. The sensory nerves seem to be very complex. To further complicate things, I've also read adults with BPIs talking about being able to feel something, but not temperature. So they might feel that their arm is in water, but not be able to distinguish the temperature. Just more things we (and our children) have to be careful about. I hope things go well at the doctor's office. -Tina
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Re: Teething and BPI arm

Post by browning93 »

Tina, Don't panic! Michaela has lost so many finger nails and left bloody stumps that I could never be able to count them. She's getting alot better about it after Mod Quad for some reason.She is 5 1/2 years old.

There seems to be tingling or itching as Michaela calls it deep into the finger near the bone she tells me. Some of the BPI veterans on hear tell me it's really annoying.It's caused usually from reinnervation of the arm andf hand. When Michaela's fingers "itch" she can't stand it and that's when she rips out the nails.

Her O.T. gave us this idea and we have used it ALOT! Of course treat the finger with peroxide and antibiotic ointment for a few days.When you feel it is safe to leave it uncovered try this. In the meantime do it to the rest of the fingers now. This really works. It's safe and Natural. Get some Clove Oil, usually found at Health food Stores or any place they sell essential Oils. Put a drop or two on each finger and massage it in,DO NOT WASH OFF. This is a natural antiseptic and also is very bitter so the child will keep their fingers out of their mouths.It won't harm them in any way, just taste bad. Unlike polishes and things children will eventually bite off anyway. Also since it's an oil it moisturizes the nail and cuticle.

You can use it in a Potpourri pot too! Make the house smell good and fingers taste bad. Good Deal I think,LOL. LeeAnne