Does your lobpi son play baseball?

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Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by Marnie »

And if so how does he do? Does he catch well? What position does he play? What kind of response does he get from his teammates and the coaches? My son is 8 and wants to play this spring. Would like to hear about your experiences. Girls too!!
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by admin »

i have brachial plexus im 15 and have had my injury since 10. This spring i just started playing baseball. I didnt have any problems with kids or coaches. The hardest part is probably batting accuratly. What work best for me was a shorter bat beause it was lighter and i could keep it more steady. if you any have any questions just email me
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 28 years old with a right obstetrical brachial plexus injury. 5 surgeries to date with pretty decent results. Last surgery resolved years of pain in my right arm however, I am beginning my journey with overuse in my left arm
Location: Minnesota

Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by hope16_05 »

It is very possible to play baseball! I have played softball since I was in third grade(that was the youngest age group able to play in my area)
I was not that great at first but what 3rd grader is an all star? Once I learned to catch and throw with my left hand I did very well, although infeild was not really my thing.

I have played right, left, and center field. Loved right field and did very well there. For my last two years though I have played left field and was awesome.
I have had infeild experiences, it was fun just to see that I could do it. I played third base a couple times in scrimages and second base once in a game, that was cool. I felt most comfortable in the out field though, If I was not afrad on a line drive I would have tried pitching, but I am a chicken that way.
I never had any trouble with my team mates, they all thought it was the coolest thing that I was just as fast as they were and I did it all one handed. I did have trouble with a coach for a couple years until I quit the team and wrote a lengthy letter explaining that I felt as though he was discriminating against me by not playing me while bringing up 7th and 8th graders when I had gone to every practice and was just as good as any one else on the team. After three days he and I had a talk and I was back on the team. I was never benched another whole game after that. I just needed to stand up for my self.

I say let him play, he may have trouble at first but who doesnt? He will do great! I know he can do it!
Amy 18 ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
Jill - Briana's mom
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by Jill - Briana's mom »

My daughter played tball this past spring when she just turned 4 and she was great! She can hit the ball hard and had no trouble swinging the bat...she just holds it her own way and my husband was the coach so no problems there...

The hardest part was with the glove on her injured side..Left..she had a bit of trouble holding it open to get the ball. Most of the time she just picked it up with the other hand and threw it...of course this was only tball! :)

Hope it helps!

Jill mom of 4yrLOBPI
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by blakesmom »

my son is 8 and is ROBPI and has played baseball 1 year and 3yrs tball. He does remarkably well!! He is a good hitter and his fielding is getting better. He catches with his left hand(non affected), drops his glove and throws with his left hand, too. We just put a lot of baby powder in his glove so it shakes off easy.
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by Josh'smom »

My son has a left BPI injury. He is 8 now. When he first tried playing baseball he got very fustrated and did not do well the first year he tried. I think we took a year off so he could mature and then we tried again and he enjoyed it. It definately was a "challenge" for him. The coaches have to understand that he play's different than the rest of the kids. I remember we had a coach that kept telling my son to get his mit in the ready mode--kinda hold the mit up near his face facing forward--but because my sons arm is weaker it was hard for him to hold the mit up so long as well as he can not supinate--so it was just hard for him. Just practice with your son so he can figure out for himself what is an easy and comfortable way. My son definately catches and throws differently that the other kids, but he does the best "he" can. Good luck!
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by ellie »


This is the first year we signed Michael (8) up to play baseball also. He was afraid to play before, I am hoping with the TT surgery he will be better able to play. I wish Peyton luck in playing. I know our friend Mike (adult with BPI) said he kept practicing in his garage before he would play with his friends. But he tried and was able to do it.

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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by jep98056 »

I played baseball as a young boy with my neighborhood friends. I am naturally left handed so I could throw just fine and my ROBPI still allowed me to use the glove on the right hand. I batted right handed and that became an issue when I grew older and the opposing pitchers learned to throw good fastballs. I couldn't generate enough bat speed to be an effective hitter in competitive play so I started playing slow pitch. I found that although I still couldn't hit homeruns I could place the ball to get on base and drive in runs. I played slow pitch on competitive teams until my 50's. My unaffected shoulder started to hurt during warmups and I decided to preserve it a while longer. Those were memorable years with very good and lasting friendships.

John P. (ROBPI,66)
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Re: Does your lobpi son play baseball?

Post by admin »

Great idea with the powder! My daughter wants to play again and I was trying to think of ways for her to get the glove off her hand. Thanks! Cheryl (LOBPI 10years old)