muscle transfer

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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:06 pm

muscle transfer

Post by kburr55 »

My injury occurred 2 1/2 years ago. I had a nerve transplant in April of 2004 at Stanford. The next step, I am told, is a latissimus dorsi transfer. The success rate for adults is not good. Dr. Warren King in Palo Alto told me the option was mine to try. this is my first time finding this board and am very grateful. Has anyone had this? It seems a complete muscle tranfer would be more feasible.

Re: muscle transfer

Post by shafali »

I am sorry i didn't hear about that, but my husband had TBPI back in FEb 2005 with 4 nerve root avulsion
And he has undergone 2 major surgeries
My husband is 33 yrs of age, and doctor did 2 surgeries first he took gracilis from his inner left thigh and put it in his arm from shoulder to elbow,for the movement of shoulder and elbow flexion, and in second he again took muscle from his right thigh( gracilis) and put in arm for the movement of his wrist hand and fingers, and also he took some donor nerves from his chest, i guess under the rib cage near lungs, and he hooked that to the muscle that he transferred in 2nd surgery.
My husband's surgeries were really long ..the first was of 18 hrs in OT and the second was for 15 hrs.
I mean he has gone through a lot already and more than that he has excruciating nerve pain going on all the time, for which he is seeing the pain control doctor but of no help.
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:06 pm

Re: muscle transfer latissimus dorsi

Post by kburr55 »

I'm sorry to hear about the pain that your husband is having. I do think the way your doctor is doing this is great. The Lat Dorsi transfer seems to work for children because you have to relearn it in your head. I'm 49 and they weren't all that encouraging about me regaining the use of my shoulder. I had the nerve taken from my calf so the heel and outside of my foot is supposed to be numb. It feels super sensitive to me.My discomfort in my arm is constant but there are parts I can't feel at all. I went to the Mayo Clinic and they stated a possible future complete muscle transfer or the Lat Dorsi. They told me to wait because of the healing time of the nerve repair was 2 to 21/2 years. I really am in a quandry as to what to do. I'm very inspired about the inner thigh muscle transfer and will pass this on to my doctor. Is yours at a brachial plexus center or in California? Thank you so much for the info, Kelly
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Re: muscle transfer latissimus dorsi

Post by admin »

Sorry to hear about that Kelly. My husband had this surgery done at Richmond,Va at MCV hospital, and the doctor's name is Jonathan Isaacs, he is an orthopedic, but he is also qualified in plastic surgery.
He told my husband that he might feel numbness or tingling in his feet after the muscle transfer, but that will be temporary, not the ongoing thing....but to our surprise, he never felt anything at all!!
Kelly if u have any more questions, pl feel free to talk to me.