Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by katep »


I think Dr. Nath called it "capsulodesis" rather than "capsulorraphy" and I believe he only does caps now in conjunction with the triangle tilt. He used to do caps alone, but it failed in a majority of patients.

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

"failed in a majority of patients"

Please state Where you are getting your information from because I'd like to read it.

It worked for my daughter. She's 2 1/2 years out of her capsulodesis and it's holding fine. I know a few other children in our region that my daughter plays with every so often and they are doing fine, too.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by needmorshoes »

Tony, I would send a video if that is what is needed, but I would also make sure I got a second opinion. Maybe even a third or fourth before you go with this possible surgery. I have found that it is best to really research a procedure before opting for it for my child; I know that is what you are doing here and I support you in that. Good luck to you. I hope that you find the answers that are appropriate for you and your child.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by Allison »

About the caps surgery. My son had "caps" along w/ an clavicular/acromioplasty which was basically just cutting away of the bony overgrowth of the acromion and clavicle, it was 1cm of both. His shoulder is still holding strong since the surgery.
The capsulodesis is still working for kids, he's doing this procedure at the same time he's doing TT if the children are dislocated, he's right there, that's at least how I understand it. If it didn't work, then why would he be tightening the capsule from the back? Maybe it failed in a few children due to the fact that there were other issues not yet discovered. I'm thankful the procedures are evolving, becoming better, it gives us all hope.

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

My son had the caps surgery also. It is holding strong and he has no dislocation. It worked wonders for us.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

My daughter's capsulodesis is holding for 2 1/2 years now. She had a huge chance becoming dislocated with a trauma she went through and the joint held stable. If it wasn't a good procedure, he wouldn't still be doing it.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by admin »

My kid's caps is holding strong.
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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by TNT1999 »

Nicole had the Capsulodesis 4 years ago and her shoulder looks great now. Dr. Nath has seen her several times since, including last weekend and she's not a candidate for the Triangle Tilt or any other shoulder surgery at this time. We're very happy w/the results.

Also, I understand that different drs. do different capsule procedures. Dr. Waters explained to us what procedure he does for a capsule surgery. Although I don't remember the specifics, I know that his procedure varied from Dr. Nath's and I also know that Dr. Waters had a different name for what he did (can't remember that either -- it's been about 4 years since we last talked about it).

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by katep »

My reference was to capsulodesis alone, which Dr. Nath himself has written had a "high failure rate... approaching 75%". Yes, he still does capsulodesis, but in conjunction with osteotomy of the clavicle and scapula neck. It also apparently took several years for the "75% percent failure rate" of the capsulodesis-alone approach to show itself.

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Re: Osteotomy v.s. Triangle Tilt...??

Post by needmorshoes »

Kate, Any research or data on the "Triangle Tilt" procedure? Failure rates? Anything like that? Thanks.