Supination Problems (Non-BPI)

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Supination Problems (Non-BPI)

Post by GAmom »

Today after school my oldest son's (NO-BPI) teacher asked to speak to me. She said at reading time today she noticed that he couldn't turn his right hand all the way over. I have never noticed it until she pointed it out. She said her daughter was the same way and that her DR. keeps an eye on it. I have noticed that certian letters that he writes are difficult for him and he tends to hold his pencil like a left handed person when he writes them. Has anyone heard of this? Should I be concerned?
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Re: Supination Problems (Non-BPI)


It is so weird that you posted about this. Manny, my older son (no BPI) also had a hard birth w/sd.
He had torticollis, and while looking at some older pics of him, I noticed that he is a liitle "uneven" in the shoulders, ribcage and arms. I know that no one is exactly symmetrical, but I wonder if it is from the SD? he also holds his pencil different for certain letters and numbers.

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Re: Supination Problems (Non-BPI)

Post by admin »

GAMOM, my daughter uses her nondominant hand (right) to write and she writes like a leftie would write. WE learned that we have to get her to unbend her wrist or she'll have carpal tunnel and overuse issues. She uses a slant board and a "stetro" grip on her pencils to position it correctly in her fingers. I would get your son to an hand (ortho) specialist to find out what the big picture is here. I'd be worried about the non supination thing and would wonder where it's coming from - is it shoulder?